When you place an order, we need to know your name, email address, mailing address, credit card type (Visa or Mastercard), card number, expiration date and CVV2 number (the 3 or 4 digit number printed on the back of the card in the signature panel). This allows us to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of order status.
We do not share or publish any information we collect. The information we collect is only used to process orders and to provide a more personalized shopping experience.
We reserve the right to contact you (via information you provide) at any point in the future unless expressly noted.
The security of our customers’ data is very important to us. All commerce transactions conducted via this website are protected via a 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, the industry standard in encryption technology. All information that you submit, including name, address and credit card number, will be encrypted so that it cannot be intercepted as the information travels over the Internet.
We understand if you are uncomfortable placing orders via the internet. We are happy to take orders over the phone. Please give us a call during regular business hours (10 to 6, Mon – Sat) at (808) 737-9696.
REMEMBER: Never send your credit card information via email!